Larissa Rosa Lackner
Ok bin da
Ok bin da
"Paint a proper tearaway" and
"Would you like to do without a body?
Enjoy!"writes Anna Kulbatzki in
the artist publication
by Larissa Rosa Lackner.
The illustrations (oil pastels) and text fragments go hand in hand through the publication. They leave their traces, intertwine and are both image and text. Above all, they allow us to immerse ourselves in an everyday life of people, personal constellations and friendships, relationships that attempt to balance closeness and distance.
Touching, lying down, looking at, carrying, sitting, stretching, holding the head, hanging out, holding on, hugging and the self-portrait are at the center of Ok bin da.
put into ︎ ︎
EUR 30 ︎ USD 33 (plus shipping)
1. Edition of 300
87 Pages
21 x 31,5cm
Stiched & Perfect Binding
Offset Print
Design: Joachim Bartsch / arc
Texte: Anne Kulbatzki
ISBN 978-3-948304-19-5